I just returned from Dallas back to Staten Island

I just returned from Dallas back to Staten Island and I am still pinching myself over how blessed I am and continue to be. My trip was amazingly successful and the best part is that I got to assist one of my team who's daughter has been struggling with alcohol abuse and addiction for many years. I did a 12 Step call and simply shared what alcohol and crack did to me. It looks very promising that she may try going to the rooms and work her way back to life.
God willing I will have 3 years of continuous sobriety on May 5th and my 63rd birthday is on May 2nd. :birthday::confetti_ball::innocent::love_you_gesture::+1::pray:

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Hi, Arthur. Her life will be changed forever because you saw a need and responded.

Happy birthday on both occasions. Any plans?

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And thank you very much for the well wishes