I just recently downloaded a few dating apps

I just recently downloaded a few dating apps. I’m not quite sure what I’m doing. I don’t want a relationship really, while I’m still newly sober. I want to focus on my sobriety but I’m lonely lately, I want good company and good conversation. It’s also hard to talk to people and open up about my addiction and sobriety because some people just don’t get it or will refuse to hangout with or date someone if they don’t drink or do drugs of some sort. I’m just confused lately. I need advice or just someone to talk to that understands!

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Hey, I hear ya on the loneliness part but being in a relationship is overwhelming and full of heartache...It's been three years since I have been in any sort of relationship with another woman and I am honestly scared to get in one. What if I don't meet that persons expectations...? But that is just my addiction brain thinking....
But seriously don't worry about the loneliness, it will work itself out naturally, use this time to work on you. :muscle:t2::grin::+1:

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I get it! my ex won't even give me the time of day... dating sucks... loneliness is where our disease wants us. get out there go to meetings try new things. hit the gym. read a book. all the sudden someone will just be thrown into your life. and u will be like whaatt

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Get off the dating apps for now. Too much bullshit, drama, liars, scammers and mostly booty calls. You are way too early in your sobriety to take this on as well. Go to an AA meeting there are so many young adults there I thought it was just old drunks like myself but it amazes me the amount of young people and I like seeing them getting themselves straight early on in life. At meetings they tend to gravitate towards one another and share similar stories. You would probably find a nice person there. You are an attractive young woman. Stay in your lane and stay sober.....good luck


I’m new to this (signed up today). I get the loneliness. I love to laugh, if u wanna start a friendship - message me or friend me then massage me :man_shrugging:t2: not even sure how messages work here.

Actually, it looks like I’ve had the app for a while but finally just created a profile and started using it today.

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Ditch the apps and work on yourself. “No new relationships in the first year” was one thing that stood out for me in my first AA meeting. You have plenty of friends on this platform to talk to.
One day at a time🙏

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