I just had my third year sober anniversary on 4/28/2021

I just had my third year sober anniversary on 4/28/2021. I chaired a zoom discussion meeting tonight and the topic was on expectations. I thought about what that meant to me now as opposed to when I first got sober three years ago.
What I can say is that I am not outwardly focused anymore; on other people, places or things. When I turned my focus inward my life changed. I’m no longer like a bag just floating along in the wind , letting life take me where it will. The expectations I have for myself are limitless, as long as I stay sober. One day at a time :blush:


Shanna congratulations. This is awesome. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Wow! Three years? Congrats, I haven’t been able to make it three months. I can only imagine how good three years feels. Keep up whatever it is you’re doing. :+1:

Thank you Emily!

Thank you ! They ask you how you do it when you get a coin at each meeting when you reach a milestone. I did it by going to meetings, getting a sponsor( calling her every day lol) being honest with myself ( finally!!) doing some tough work on myself. Those twelve steps are steps to freedom my friend :heart:

Fantastic achievement!!

Your topic is my biggest weakness. I’m currently sober a little over a month. Before that relapse I was 2 years sober. My biggest issue is I just can’t forgive myself for being a drunk. I really dislike myself for that. I know I needed help. I prayed for help. But nothing came. It took not seeing my kids to sober up. How could I do that to them?? I don’t think I can ever forgive myself for putting them through that. So what I’m saying is I am 100% outwardly concerned cause I just can’t look internally. But thanks for sharing. It reiterates what I need to focus on.


Thank you! My sister just moved to Texas! I’ve never been there myself however the gifts of sobriety is that now I can plan a vacation to go visit her and have the money to do so!

It’s hard to look at ourselves :heart: Be gentle with yourself . We do recover and we are all worthy of redemption.

Thank you Jessica :heart:

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Thank you Craig! I definitely did not do this alone, one of my first and favorite meetings was a basement church meeting that you went down a ramp into the basement and they hung a sign that said
“ you never have you be alone again” and I haven’t . This is a We program so I can have recovery from my disease.

We can have a Texas round up! Of course it’s possible to live in Texas and also be 15 hours apart..

You are from Texas too! That would be awesome! Would love that​:heart::star_struck:
My sister just moved there in March and I miss her terribly :disappointed:
She’s in the process of buying a house and I plan on a visit once she’s settled in her new place. My other sister lives in Arizona so we will have a reunion of sorts. They are “normal drinkers “ lol whatever that is haha.
She’s in El Paso .. I know Texas is the size of a small country so not sure where that is in respect to you however if we got enough people I’m sure we could make it work!!

I only live 9 hours from El Paso!! :rofl::rofl:. I’m outside San Antonio

Oh 9 hrs psh .. that’s nothing lol .. I’m driving to NC next month and it’s a 17 hr drive from CT to where I’m going. I’m sure we could meet in the middle . I’ve heard the hotels are real nice out there lol

Thank you so much Alan!

You’re closer to AZ lol

Well whenever I get to Texas I’ll hit you up for that round up :wink:

Awesome keep up the good work keep it simple and easy does it but do it one day at a time