I just had a drink, what is wrong with me!

A b c

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Well, first thing you need to do is put down the drink. Second leave where the drinks are. Don't matter if it's home or somewhere else leave. Got for a walk or something. Then find a meeting.


Thanks Steven, I put it down. Can’t leave though, I’m at work.

And I have mixed feelings about meetings and higher powers :pensive:.... pretty confused.

I get the mixed feeling but give it a try. If AA isn't a good fit try smart recovery. Celebrate recovery is a Christian based program. There are several other programs out there. Keep in mind a higher power is anything you look to that has more strength than you do. As far as at work, if you have time off request to go home early. Tell the you have explosive diarrhea if you have to.


I thought AA was the only thing there was, and I don’t mean that to sound stupid.

Thanks Steven, you’ve made me feel better just knowing I’m not alone!

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Many people think that. In fact many AA participants will be here shortly to tell you AA is the only one that works. They completely ignore the statistics and say that it works if you work the steps. But for some AA may be a daunting place to get used to. There are actually many others that are tailored to people's needs. There are atheist programs, Christian program, Buddhist, Hindu, you name it. You may have to do a search to find one more tailored to you.

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Thanks steven

I think the problem is I know the statistics, lol AA only works 6% of the time. If I had cancer and it was cure just because it was the most popular doesn’t mean I’d go with it lol

Who is sara, what dose she need but even better what dose she want, 0ca. A AA meeting help? There are a lot of lost normies out there0, but these are not normal times

Good questions.

I know I want better for myself.

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Relapse is part of recovery sometimes. Give yourself grace, forgiveness and use this experience to learn.

Learn from your triggers, learn what you could have done to avoid that drink… reflect how badly it made you feel.

This is hard work, but you are strong… and all the work you put in is still there

Smart meetings, dharma recovery, life ring, women for sobriety. Lots of options if you want to try meetings!

I AM a member of AA. But I would agree that AA does not have a monopoly on sobriety. I just know that I am sober and continue to work the steps because it works for me. I think the main point that we should all remember is that we really can't do this thing alone. Don't beat yourself up Sara. Just don't pick up and keep sharing. You have friends here.

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Didn’t know the success rate is so low - boy oh boy.

The last study ha saw showed it much higher according to AA but if you factor their numbers over the life of a member, continuing without relapse may be that low. The study gave no hard data for that. Keep in mind this is only study of success without relapse.

Here is a link to the most recent study I have seen...


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I myself am 17 years sober from meth and recently I've had an alcohol problem so I am 10 months sober from that and I've been going strong no meetings. It's not for everybody. But you have to build a strong mind. I doing that is educating yourself Google some sobriety tips they really work

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I also run a Facebook group called Soldier's of Sobriety there I post tips on maintaining A positive clean sobriety