I just got out of rehab 10 days ago. It’s

I just got out of rehab 10 days ago. It’s a daily struggle adjusting to life sober. I’m lacking in support which is making it so hard on me. People expecting a new person but I have so much about me I need to work on. I just feel so alone.


You're not alone. You found us. Sobriety is a journey, one step at a time. Take the time you need to work on yourself. Explain it to your friends/family. Are you seeing a counselor ? You might look into AA. It saved my life. And Al ANON can help your friends. If not available in your area, maybe Zoom meetings ? At any rate, your sobriety Must come FIRST. Emotional as well as physical. If you need to chat, don't hesitate. I'm here. We're all here for you. Don't give up !


Sara gave great advice. Trying to do too much too fast can be overwhelming. It can be lonely starting out when you are staying away from your old crowd. You have to change for you, and ignore everyone else's perceived expectations of what you should be after only a short time. Just don't get discouraged.

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Brittany!!!!! Your not alone. You can do this. The only person you need to please or make happy....is yourself. Reach out to local sober meetings...you will be surrounded by people just like us....u can do this. Only 1 day at a time. 1 foot in front of the other....you got this!!! Xoxo

You are not alone. We’re here for you. Be strong

You are not alone, everybody in recovery has sat in that seat. Let's keep this simple, do you have a game plan? Because it sounds like you are kind of white knuckling it. Do you have a daily routine to follow? If not, I suggest you create one and put it on paper. This is crucial on many levels. Second thing, make a list of coping skills and start practicing them. Some examples; yoga, meditation, journaling, coloring, exercising, breathing techniques, underwater basket weaving, etc.. Try them all and do them more than once. Find a half dozen things you enjoy doing. These things will keep you busy while you build a support system. If you have questions or need resources come on Loosid and ask. You will be provided with solid suggestion. The folks on here are awesome. We can do this stuff, just need to take action steps. Hope this helps. :v: out!


Easy does it. In recovery we have steps for reason. Do some writing on step one. Brake it down and answer the questions about powerlessness and unmanageable. List these things As it relates to your experience.

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I can relate to a lot of what you said! We are all works in progress. Reach out to me if you want to talk, even if it's just to vent a frustration. I'm here.

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You're in the right place Brittany! Welcome! There are a lot of ladies here with great sobriety don't hesitate to latch on to one. We can't do it alone!

Hi Brittany, I hope all is well and you are feeling better today. I want to chim back in. If I came across as "bossy" or insensitive that was not my intention. My suggestions were two fold. One doing recovery oriented things will help you focus on your recovery, hopefully changing you "struggles" toward being more confident in your recovery. Second by DOING recovery oriented things maybe the perceptions of others will start to change. Because the will see a change in your attitude and your behavior. These are simply suggestion and sent with due regard. Again, you/we can do this stuff. One foot in front of the other. Have a great day!!!:grin: :v:

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