I just got back from a Beautiful Wedding & didn’t

I just got back from a Beautiful Wedding & didn’t drink …. It was so hard full of a family of drinkers and I felt so boring yet very aware. Diagonal to my table was the Kids table where my daughter was with her cousins. They were completely leaving her out and I just observed. My heart hurt for her so I brought her to our table. I told my Sponsor what happened and she said “ If you were drinking you wouldn’t have even noticed her.” That comment hit me so hard because it is so true :worried::pray:t3::two_hearts:


Fantastic job on not drinking and being an awesome mum and helping out your kiddo! :+1:

This hit so close to home for me. I needed to hear this. It is the best feeling being so present for your babies. So happy for you! Thank you for sharing💚

I thought exactly the same thing your sponsor said as I read your story. I suffer from severe “mom guilt” myself so it’s where my mind went. Thanks for sharing!

Awesome! Not drinking or being attempted by others drinking at function is a plus! However, was told it can be embedded in our subconscious mind the trauma from being around it can cause a relapse down the road. For I have to keep that in mind. Being on guard but not fearful.
Also kudos on being there for the kids. Yeah I can remember looking back on behavior when drinking or using, I definitely didn’t pay attention to others and was very self seeking.
This story is more evidence that we don’t need to drink.
Thank you for your share.

I'm proud of you, Chase. You were sober, and aware for your child. Keep it up.