I just don’t have the energy to talk to anyone,

I just don’t have the energy to talk to anyone, literally none at all, I go to work, do what’s necessary, but I just can’t let new people in, I don’t try to connect with anyone , maybe it’s because I spent years finding parts of people that I know now are easier to live without
Either way I’m just dulled out
I’ll never be close to anyone again
It’s getting to me

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Hi Carly. I know exactly how you feel. I've kept walls up for several years because I was tired of being hurt by others I was vulnerable to.

I thought I was doing myself a favor. But I wasn't. I was harboring unforgiveness, assumed others wouldn't be what I needed because of other people. I was poisoning myself.

When I started letting the wall down it became easier each day. I was no longer looking through the lens of a broken person but through love. I asked God to help me see others for their strengths and He did just that.

Sure, there are bad apples. There are some good ones, too. I would be missing out on some good people if that wall didn't come down.

You're doing yourself an injustice if you don't let people in.

Please let the wall down. Discernment is a great friend.

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