I haven’t had a sober birthday in 22 years. Mine

I haven’t had a sober birthday in 22 years. Mine is coming up in a couple weeks. I am so excited to stay dry, safe, healthy, AND remember my celebrations for once. Last year on my birthday, I got stood up, and I ended up getting blackout drunk and crying and throwing up on a bar room floor all alone. It was such a dark time for me. I am so grateful this is no longer my life :raised_hands:t3::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Woo Congratulations!!

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Happy birthday, glad you will be sober for this one.

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Thanks so much!!

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You deserve to have a birthday that’s memorable for the right reasons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: my birthdays spent sober have actually been far better than the ones I spent messed up. No DUIs, no arguments or fist fights, no getting kicked out of bars, or waking up with a hangover/still drunk surrounded by strangers :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face: thank god for sobriety


Happy early sober birthday!

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That's amazing! Happy birthday and congratulations! Looking forward to being able to say that this year! Thanks for sharing🤗

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Absolutely, there is something to be said for this whole “clarity” thing lol. Mine’s late next month myself and it’ll be number 3 sober. It’s an amazing thing. Congrats and keep up the badassness :metal:t2:


Great to hear. I just had my first sober Birthday in decades over a month ago. It was great actually. I had the most actually fun and relaxing birthday I had in decades. Have yourself a great one and treat yourself good. You deserve it….


You got this! Congratulations.

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Thank you!

Happy belated and congrats!

Thank you so much! Happy early bday to you as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you :grinning:

Good for you. Sometimes the darkest moments lead to the ray of light moments.


Happy Birthday! Hope it is a safe and fun one! You deserve it!

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What a huge accomplishment! You should be so proud of yourself! I too have not had a sober birthday, except for being pregnant on my 30th, and I'm 38! Excited to be sober this birthday also!

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Keep up the good work!

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Congrats! Sobriety is truly a gift.

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