I have to take medications for tardive dyskinesia. I get

I have to take medications for tardive dyskinesia. I get obsessive when they are available or when I feel crappy and I know they can make me sleep long hours. It seemed harmless but it was really messing with my body and mind to be so irregular. I ended upODing on one and being on a ventilator for two days. My whole family, especially my wife were really scared for me. Im not sure how many muscle rlaxers I took but I couldve easily died from it if I hadnt been taken to the hospitl when I was. It was a huge wake up call that its better to take everything as prescribed and quit trying to sneak or calculate how many pills willdo what. I didn't try to OD i just thought id sleep a long time, but my higher power has given me a huge lesson and luckily another chance. I came do close to ruining myself and I have to simply thank god that he had the mercy and love to take care of me through my worst choices and bring me to a better way... The other alternative wouldve been very devastating to the people who know and love me best. My higher power is good for bringing me back to health and showing me my priorities/necessary changes.

Hi Sonoma. I'm glad you are still here. What a powerful lesson.