I have to start somewhere

I’m only on day 2 of no alcohol and i already feel like I’m being selfish. I’m 36 and have always bent over backwards for everyone in my life. Now that I’m needing help and can’t pay attention to everyone else’s problems, i feel like a horrible person. Anyone else ever feel this way? When is it enough?ugh


I'm starting day 4 and I just keep praying for strength from God to not drink alcohol today. Hang in there and congratulations. I'm here if you need me


Jamie you have to be selfish for your own recovery. It’s the only way it works.


You are doing this for you and others. Not selfish at all

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You're not a horrible person. You have to learn to put yourself first. Your life will spiral downhill if you don't put your sobriety first. Take charge and go after your sobriety. Only you can give yourself sobriety. Those that need help can get it from someone else.

Work on you!

I understand what you are going through!! I am the one everyone turns to for advice and a shoulder to cry on.
I am always there for everyone else!!
I think sometimes we get caught up in other peoples lives/problems so we dont have to focus on our own.
Once I decided to become sober 73 days ago I set boundaries with all my friends/family and have taken the last almost few months to focus on myself.
The people who truly love you and support you will be there for you! If you lose some “friends” along the way, then they weren’t meant to be in your life and only used you.
It all seems so over whelming right now, however with time your brain will become clearer and more rational thinking will take place! Things that seemed so important/stressful will become so small. Just stay focused on becoming the best version of yourself one day at a time!! :heart:. I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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The most important person in your life is you. Don’t worry about others. It’s like everybody else says focus on yourself and your sobriety. Without your sobriety you can’t help yourself. Help yourself before others

You’re amazing! Thanks

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Those around me are way better off if I'm sober. It's not selfish. It's caring. :grin:

This is exactly what I’m going through right now

A thousand mile journey always starts with a single step.

I live in Iowa too….. I seem to have lost some of the old crew, but really it’s made the crew I do have stronger! Stick with it! It gets easier every day! 2 years in….. not waking up wondering WTF happened is so refreshing.

In early sobriety we must be very selfish. We are fragile. I know I was very selfish about my recovery. The more clarity I received, from each passing day I worked on my program, the less selfish I was. Now I’m a grateful recovering addict who isn’t selfish, self centered or self seeking. I care about all things earth. I’m learning to help others without doing it for them. I also have co-dependency issues and I’m the past would try to fix everyone else’s problems and not take care of my own.
Well, I hope you can rest easy tonight knowing that it’s okay to be selfish early on. Get some days behind you and then it will all make sense. Cause In actuality your selfishness in sobriety is different kind of selfishness then when we drink or use.
Have a blessed evening filled with love and peace within.