I have three days again

I have three days again, I keep setting myself up for failure by trying to do it alone but we can not do it alone. I had 5 months. I keep setting myself up in places I know am going to drink and lie to myself saying I will b ok around people who drink. Yesterday was one year since my ex died from this horrible disease but it brings me peace knowing he is no longer suffering but it still hurts some days. Yesterday was hard still having a rough time but I can get thru it.


I’m happy you’re here! The Loosid Community is here for you! Stay strong :muscle:

Doesn’t matter how many times we fail as long as we continue to try again!!! You got this !! :pray::raised_hands:


I have 1 day after a year I slipped happy your here

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One foot in front of the other

Thank u everyone I appreciate it

Happy ur back also jus pick back up

That’s what am doing thank u

Jess, welcome. This is the least judg

Oops. The least judgemental group you're gonna find.

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Do it for yourself.

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We definitely cannot do it alone. Tried it and it was almost the end of me. This thing is insidious beyond belief, to the point of madness at times. My day to day is arduous to say the least but just know there's always an alternative route to take an people are here for you. I wish you nothing but good vibes.

Just keep going. You seem determined, so you can do this. You are definitely not alone in this.

Thank you I’m going to try to ask for help this time

Don’t beat yourself up over relapsing. Treat it as a learning experience. I relapsed 1 year into sobriety and looking back now, I am grateful for it because it was the only way I could finally admit I am an alcoholic and picking up is not the solution.

Hi Jess. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I'm sorry about your ex. :cry:

No matter the situation no human go there on their own. Sobriety is the same way. Find you a support system. Do you have anyone in your corner who will help you?

Thank u everyone, I don’t have too many for support but am working on it :pray:

Just remember even the setbacks help build experience. A slip is a learning experience and every day is a tool to build the next.

Agreed it helped me to get rid of the people I shoodnt be around

Hang in there

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