I have so much on my mind and really need

I have so much on my mind and really need to talk to someone.I’m 60 yrs old with 2kids 5 grandkids and 2 great grandkids and an alcoholic brother.I have no one I can trust to talk to so I’m thinking maybe someone who doesn’t know us would be good

I’m divorced and I have a hard time trusting men because of my ex I’ve been divorced just barely a yesr

I’m from West Virginia and was raised the southern ways and I’m not real good at talking to just anyone .I was raised that you keep everything to yourself and to trust noone

I really want someone in my life that’s a born again Christian and who is divorced and has /had kids cuz you gotta love my family we are an all nations family my grandkids and greats are black,I married a Mexican but my daughter married the sweetest black man that passed away and she raised 3girls by herself and my son had a step son and his son and the oldest had Asbergers (A form of autism) and his youngest is nonverbal

I’m lonely but I’m a born again divorced Christian (pentecostal) woman

So guess I’ll keep praying for someone to spent time with