I have so much anxiety. I almost lost my job

I have so much anxiety. I almost lost my job because I came to work drunk 5 days ago and feel that everyone hates me here. I also went to my first AA meeting today, that was very helpful, but I need more help


Ahhh honey if your smart you'll get cl3an before you lose everything including life on earth. Addiction is progressive AKA a disease. Took me 32 yrs and I lost it ALL. I do mean ALL even the shirt on my back. I went from making 4000 dollars a week to living on the streets of NYC and smoking crack. Didn't start off that way....

Anxiety was horrible for me getting sober. Get help from your doc. It's nothing they havent dealt with before. Just know that it does get better the longer your sober. I'll add you to my prayers.