I have realized the destruction that alcohol has done to

I have realized the destruction that alcohol has done in my life. I have decided to quit for good, but I need some support.


Thank you Jessica. My last day of drinking was Memorial Day. I’m not a daily drinker, but a binge drinker. When I do drink, I can’t stop. I can usually go a week or two without drinking, but then the urge to drink hits again and I don’t know how to stop it. How do I fight the urge?!

I’m here for you

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None of that. Just decided I was done. Probably not the best plan and why I’ve never been successful. This is the first time I’ve ever been apart of any type of sober community.

This addiction isn’t easy I go thru hard days but as long as I reach out I’ll be ok and so will you I wish you all the best.

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Welcome :clap:
AA meetings are great place to start. Listen to others that have had similar experiences and learn what not to do, lol. Alcohol is the absolute worst! Keep fighting sister, you made a great first step and we are proud of you. :metal:

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Thank god your here and still not actively slowly killing yourself anymore I’m always ready to help any way I can. Have a most excellent life SHAVANNE!! Cool name.

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I feel you!

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I’m in the same boat. Here if you need me

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You have my support

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yay! so happy you made the first step:)

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My last drink was July 5th 2014
I had almost 9 years but I screwed up in 2011 because I believed the lie. Yes we caused a lot of destruction in our lives and the lives of others. If you get into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and sit down all the way and get into the steps you will learn how to clean house. The house that I'm speaking of is your life past and present. I'm here to tell you that if you do what is suggested your life will get better. Mine certainly has. A decision to stop is a great start. There's a daily reflection book out there called 24 hours A Day. You can actually download it in the Play Store My favorite reading out of there is

January 6

Keeping sober is the most important thing in my life. The most important decision I ever made was my decision to give up drinking. I am convinced that my whole life depends on not taking that first drink. Nothing in the world is as important to me as my own sobriety. Everything I have, my whole life, depends on that one thing. Can I afford ever to forget this, even for one minute?

I will discipline myself. I will do this disciplining now. I will turn out all useless thoughts. I know that the goodness of my life is a necessary foundation for its usefulness. I will welcome this training, for without it God cannot give me His power. I believe that this power is a mighty power when it is used in the right way.

I pray that I may face and accept whatever discipline is necessary. I pray that I may be fit to receive God’s power in my life.

Hope this helps

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Welcome Shavonne, we're here for you..You may also look into AA support and a sponsor, or Here for Support and Motivation. Just take it one day at a time..

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Welcome home. Please go to meetings