I have had a addiction to uppers for over 8 years now

I have had a addiction to uppers for over 8 years now and now it came down to meth and i need and want to stop but cant seem to mentally do it alone

Have you considered a detox facility? My problem is alcohol but I’ve seen friends struggling with meth and I understand it’s extremely hard to stop.

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It's basically impossible to quit alone, especially something like meth. Please seriously consider a detox and inpatient treatment program. Going to treatment is the best decision I ever made. DM me if you want to talk about it or have any questions. You're not weak for needing help. This is a disease.

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As everyone else go to treatment. Stay connected with other sober folks here. Have you considered an NA meeting?

Carrie, I know exactly what your feeling. I have been abusing prescriptions like Adderall and Vyvanse, Concerta and it ultimately one day led me to Cocaine and then to meth. There so easy to abuse you can literally get high and go to work. The same thing with meth. Untill the day comes where your spending more time trying to find a vein or smoking bowl after bowl than you are anything else. I would love to talk to you because I can't quit on my own. I've found that out, that craving you feel only lasts 15 minutes. It feels like 2 hours sometimes. I give in normaly within 5 minutes. Then I'm on my way to my dealers house. Telling myself the same bullshit line. This is the last bag. Please I am not looking for anything more than someone to relate to and talk to about it. Reach out to me I will respond. Together we can get fight the intensity of the cravings.

You don't need to go to a detox because there is no detox for meth. Maybe Rehab, but thats only going to get you away for 30 to 90 days. It took me 5 days to walk out of mine. My friend told me that after 6 months the cravings stop. I made it 3 months. I drove 1400 miles back home to get high. Dont make the mistake of trying it alone. It really doesn't work. You can get clean though you have the power.

We're in the same boat