I have come to a conclusion, time for a change

I have come to a conclusion, time for a change. Time to stop deluding myself that there is someone out there to share time, miles and adventures with. Time to remove the passenger seat from my motorcycle. Time to change my thinking and accept that I will live out my days without companionship. Time to accept.

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The funny thing about being single, every person I know who was single found their spouse when they gave up. I wouldn't accept that life has no one for you. Learn to enjoy being who you are, and someone will find you that enjoys that person too.

I have had to be ok being alone for most of my life, my jobs kept me away from home for 4 to 6 weeks at a time with no more than 72 hours down time in-between runs. As soon as I got an in town job I separated from my wife, her choice not mine. That was 6 years ago, just before cancer surgery. I rehabbed from that, alone. I like me, not many others do.

You will find the one who does when you least expect it. I am still shocked my wife puts up with me.

I'm sorry about your divorce. It ain't easy. Dealing with cancer alone ain't no walk in the park.

I don't want to repeat what has already been said but people tend to find a partner when not looking.

Take this time to be comfortable in your loneliness. Get yourself ready for a relationship. Your significant other will come.