I have been sober from alcohol for nearly 4 years

I have been sober from alcohol for nearly 4 years. I attended less than 10 women’s meetings when I was newly sober but I didn’t know how to connect with people in AA and eventually stopped attending. I don’t struggle with sobriety, but I’d like to make connections with other sober people and AA seems like the best way to do that. Does anyone have any tips on 1. How to pick a meeting and 2. How to not feel super awkward when I start attending? Thank you!


Just go to as many as you can and introduce yourself as new to that meeting, but not recovery/sobriety and want to expand your support group.


I have found that zoom if an option is a nice way to shop around. Most intergroup websites will have access to these. If not, I always feel that open and speaker meetings tend to give you a good feel of the room. That way you can try it out and hopefully meet some people you think you'd connect with. I hope this helps!

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I might help to realize that feelings of awkwardness are universal. As for picking a meeting, check out aa.org for instructions on how to find one near you. Congrats on 4 years!

*it might help...

After time the awkwardness will pass, stay strong.

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Hello Amanda! Congratulations on your four years. Just maybe women’s meeting we’re not for you. Maybe you need to go to a meeting where there’s women and men. Introduce yourself is being new to the meeting and that you are an alcoholic. And really listen to what people are talking about and saying. And you’ll be surprised how many people will walk up to you after the meeting. And start talking with you. And you had mentioned about feeling awkward when you attend The meetings. Let them know that when you introduce yourself in a meeting. I felt that way when I first started meetings as well. But the more I went the better I felt. And now I’m not afraid to walk into any meeting anywhere and I feel right at home. Because this is my family now. and I am not afraid to open my mouth and talk about something bothering me or if I feel like drinking or whatever.

If you are looking for someone to be able to talk to look me up and shoot me a message. And I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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Thanks for your response. What is smart? I’m not familiar with that program at all.

Be yourself , be honest. Remember , everyone is there for the same reason.

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Thank you! I will look into it.

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