I have been sober for as long as I have because of the grace of God

I have been sober for as long as I have because of the grace of God. First and foremost. But I've also been sober for as long as I have because I don't quit when I start I see the job through. I don't run from challenges I don't back down from anybody. You have to combat those things that challenge your sobriety. Sobriety must be first in your life without it you will not be able to keep anything and nobody will stay around you and your life will never get better. For those of you who are new when you get to a point where the desire to take on the struggle to be sober out weighs your desire to drink or use drugs that is the beginning. To admit your powerless over your addiction that your life has become unmanageable. That is when you start to learn a new power from someone greater than yourself . From above, from around you, from those on this app . And for you, we are responsible, to be there for you,when you need us. Giving you our best.


Very uplifting! Thank you :blush:

Thank you Melissa

Wise words friend, and well put