I have been cutting back since the end of January-

I have been cutting back since the end of January- I recently quit for 3 weeks. I drank Sunday and Monday this week and need motivation to keep moving forward. Any and all advice would be appreciated-

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My motivation personally was the unmanageability of my life and the chaos it was causing. I have to be honest and say that if I could have managed things and not created chaos I'd probably still be drinking. There is obviously something in your life that isn't quite right or you wouldn't be trying to quit
I would say focus on that and play the tape to the end. What good at this point I. Your life would drinking gain you? It has to be personal for you. The bad has to outweigh the good and then you have every bit of motivation necessary. I'm not encouraging you to drink. I'm encouraging you to remember why it was you decided in the first place to quit and roll with that. This disease is very good about getting us to forget the bad and only remember the good. If you need to talk I'm here. One foot In front of the next.

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One thing that works well for me it to fast forward to the next morning. How do I want to feel? Not like crap. Hangovers are so damn exhausting and debilitating (in my experience). I don’t ever want to feel that way again.


I do love waking up sober. I do like being in control of my actions. I try to focus more on my personal well being. I am so much more productive- I’m a better mom. These are my focus points. I was so proud of those 3 weeks, then I went off the end and lost 2 days of my life. I don’t like myself right now, but I did do yoga at the gym this afternoon and tried a short meditation- this has been about a 9 year issue. I don’t drink and drive and I am very much a late night binge drinker- please pray for me-


I am completely unable to control my emotions when I drink and I don’t know when to stop. One sip and my night goes to hell. I can easily drink 2 bottles and maybe a 3rd a night. When I quit it was cold turkey with no withdrawals I could tell- I have been in counseling for over a month now- it is helping. I believe in me and being a new non-drinker. Thanks for your response!

Will most definitely pray for you. I know it's hard but try not to beat yourself up. You are acknowledging there is a problem and you are taking the necessary steps to better yourself. Thats huge! One thing that really helps me is making a gratitude list. It sounds corny but when you actually get it on paper in front of you it's different . The fact that you are reaching out speaks volumes of your desire to not want to do this anymore. Youre doing great you slipped up but you're not staying slipped up. Keep up the good work God has a purpose for your life.