I have been a “social” drinker since I was 15

I have been a “social” drinker since I was 15. I thought drinking was what you did to have fun, relax, deal with stress, celebrate, socialize, vacation, concerts, and pretty much any excuse I could think of! Thats what we are groomed to think from a young age.
Drinking is a lot of fun, until it isn’t!! The time frame is different for everyone!!
I never considered myself an “alcoholic”. I still went to work as a nurse, It didn’t really interfere with personal relationships (my family and friends are all drinkers), etc.
Now that I’m almost 40 I realize I dont think Ive ever lived up to my full potential and full happiness because alcohol has always had some type of control over me. This booked helped me to realize a lot.
Heres to making the next 38+ years of my life even better!
Alcohol Free!! :two_hearts:


They made you change your views on alcohol. I am not above getting the help I need to get the life I desire! Right now im just reading, learning, and doing this with my bff.
I had an alcoholic mother. She let alcohol ruin her entire life!!! I always thought I was better than her because I had control over it and always did it for the reasons listed above.
Im just ready to be done.
It does nothing to benefit me, it slowly kills you, and I dont want to wake up with one more hangover or fuzzy head from drinking.

I am here for insight and to learn!! Im new to this. ◡̈
If learning from all of you, books, and talking with others doesnt work, then I will have to figure out the next step.

I love that book :open_book: :heart_eyes:! Welcome :wave:!

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Wow ...

Thank you! Im happy to be here! Any other books you suggest?

Lol! I was thinking dang, i am here for help.
I want to be surrounded by people who want the same goal! Lol

I've heard, "Drinking: A Love Story" by Caroline Knapp.

Yes, this app is a wonderful resource for support and community :yellow_heart::handshake:. It's been extremely helpful for me since last June.

Thanks! :two_hearts:

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Get ready to live your life to the fullest! :tada:

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