I have an alcohol problem and it seems to be

I have an alcohol problem and it seems to be getting worse. It’s affecting my family. I have two beautiful children I can’t afford to lose because of my stupidity.

I agree with Linda B. You are not stupid, it’s the disease.

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Hi Jenn!
If you’d like to know more about alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous is a great place to start! You can use aa.org to find meetings in your area, or zoom info for meetings all over the world!
It might be worth attending a meeting (online or in-person) just to get an idea of what it’s all about.
When I first started going to AA I had a lot of misconceptions about what it was. What I found was a beautiful fellowship and a new way of life that’s been an amazingly beautiful journey!
Don’t be afraid to join a meeting and just listen and feel it out!


I resisted AA for years because I thought it was based in religion and that was a turn off. Once I understood the concept of higher power, which took about 2 meetings and reading 2 chapters of the bb, I was all in.

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Stop now. I almost lost my boys completely. My ex suued me for custody and made me look like a terrible mother in court, which I am not. Its an illness and its awful when you know you could lose people you love and yet can't stop. You are in my thoughts.

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I feel you Jenn, I have a great career and newly married if I don’t get my act together I will lose both that mean the world to me. It has affected both tremendously. I had to admit to myself - ok Jess your a freaking alcoholic either admit it and have the life you want or keep going the self destructive path your on and lose everything you worked so hard at. Stay connected, something I’m doing different this time. You’ve got this!

It’s stupid but your not stupid.would you call yourself stupid if you had cancer?

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Have you tried going to AA meetings? I have been sober for 32 years and it is all because of AA. You will meet a number of women who have been in your shoes and have turned their lives around.