I have a very strong urge to use right now and honestly just feel like locking myself in my Room and laying on my bed in the dark trying to get over this broken heart And all I want to do is use

I have a very strong urge to use right now and honestly just feel like locking myself in my Room and laying on my bed in the dark trying to get over this broken heart And all I want to do is use....

Go for a walk. Last thing to do is to lay in the dark.

Hi Gabriel. I'm sorry your heart is broken. But you know using won't fix it. I used to drown my sorrows with alcohol. It's not worth it.

That's great that you're reaching out Gabriel you're already a step ahead despite how you may feel. heartache is the worst pain to experience but you have a community here that cares
If you need someone to talk to you can dm me . Using/drinking is never the solution. Don't think about tomorrow or even this afternoon. One step at a time! You can do this bro! I can help you find some meetings or groups in your area. Do your best to not be alone and surround yourself with people who are sober and have what you want in regards to recovery.