I have a question for everybody out there. And that question would be.
Does anybody know what a normal life is?

I have a question for everybody out there. And that question would be.
Does anybody know what a normal life is?

Normies? I doubt anyone on this sight knows, kelly
I prefer being an abnormal anomaly anywho
I dont. Never have
Normal is a setting on a washing machine.
I don't know if I have ever had normal in my whole life honestly.. I don't know if there really is a such thing as " normal" and my thought on that it's up to the individual I think we all are normal and uniquey different 🤷
Hahaha!! Normal?? No such thing!! Who wants to be “normal” , especially when addiction is involved.
Honestly..it’s hard, but sober is not “normal” for me, hence my answers above.
LOL That’s funny
Nope! I haven’t known “normal” my whole life, hence the addiction.
That’s good I like that that’s funny
I kinda look at normal as a non sequitur. What is normal? Army has the perfect acronym. S.N.A.F.U. or situation normal all f###ed up. We are all a little messed up just normal people hide their mess or it is just acceptable.
I feel alot more normal being clean like I am but for me as an addict I don't think normal is attainable, and I'm not sure I'd want to attain it anyway
I like that
I truly believe normal does not exist.
You have to create what is “normal” for yourself. That will likely be very different than what is “normal” for someone else. Outside influences can make us desire to look for what society tells us is normal, but those constructs are likely what has caused you to struggle with drinking. Just focus on what you want to live your life like, and that will be the most normal thing you can do
I love this
Honestly in my own opinion you've Said almost everything that's needed to understand what a normal life is...when you don't allow situations or social influence dicide your actions
I guess Kelly still reflecting of my Normal life concept....smiles
Kelly! Ha ha that’s a funny question!
Normalcy is in our own perception. My life be seem normal to me but out of this world to you. However I do believe that all our morals should somewhat be on the same page with each other. What do I know, I have an allergy to alcohol. That can’t be normal! Or maybe that is the norm and people who can tolerate it are not normal! see there’s that perception playing tricks on my mind again!
Human beings are too complex for there to be a clear definition of what's a normal life.