I have a hard time accepting that I can never

I have a hard time accepting that I can never drink again. I’ve tried moderation. It always ends in me being drunk at 10 am.


It is hard to accept that you cannot drink anymore. I'm personally young and that is such a big part of our culture. I've been adapting with it myself. I'm not sure if this helps, but you're not alone and it does get better!! :grin: Stay strong!

I know how you feel. I was really in to craft beer when I got my DUI and had to quit. It was a hard at first... but it does get better. I recommend finding a new activity to take your mind off of drinking at the beginning. You can do it!

I’m here with you. I struggle everyday with.. you can’t drink “. It’s the toughest conversation I have with myself. I hate it but I hate how I am drunk even more.