I have 9 months clean

I have 9 months clean, but what enabled me to do so was a man who moved me far away from my using area and into his house in an upper middle class sub, where he proceeded to abuse and control me. I finally mustered the strength to leave, I started going to AA last week, got a sponsor who helped me find a sober living house not far from where i am now, although it's in a rougher neighborhood, and there will be temptation there that i haven't had to face yet. I move out hopefully by the end of the week. I'm going to meetings every day, doing step work with my sponsor, but I'm terrified. I've never really been on my own, and when i was i was homeless, strung out, and nearly dead, in and out of jail. I have great support, my parents are well off, can provide financial and logistical support, I'm on meds, in therapy, and the house will be able to help me find employment and go back to school, and I already have a scholarship that will cover tuition.
But I'm a felon. And I don't have a driver's license. And I'm so scared of everything falling apart, but I don't want to repeat my pattern of dependence on men.


Just stick to your meetings and hang with you sober support. Be honest with every new person you meet. Stay away from old places.


Keep a positive Mindset as hard as it may be right now. It seems like you are trying to do all the right things. It's going to take time to piece your life back together . Just think of how far you've come and remember how bad it was and that thought of using will pass. Keep busy and ask for help when you need it!

Congratulations Ronnie on your 9 months!! :+1::blush:
We have 3 years, 5 months and 2 days! I just now finished going to my home group, which is called "Meditation In Practice." We meet on Sundays at 1:15 EST, and we're currently on Zoom. You can find this meeting and many others at newyorkna.org.

Yes, meetings, sponsorship, and working the 12 Steps of NA have transformed my life and made it worth living. God bless you all and thank-you. :pray::statue_of_liberty::+1::blush:

Congrats on your 9 months! Stay positive :blush:

Congratulations on 9 months! I really like that you are able to express your fears moving forward. I think that is so healthy and a sign that you really want to stay sober! Keep up the great work and keep believing in yourself!