I have 17 months clean and almost a year sober

I have 17 months clean and almost a year sober. Lately things have been really emotionally hard. It’s the loneliness thats getting me. I don’t mean dating relationships, I lost the majority of my “friends” trying to create this new life for myself and my children. I’m super proud of myself and happy in the direction my life is going, but I just feel so damn lonely.

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The loneliness will subside. I’ve been in your shoes but things will look up sooner or later. Just keep doing you :muscle:

I think it’s important to make sure that you are rooted in something larger. I had found that I was still getting my validation and worth from people instead of something more powerful.
Though it made me very kind and generous toward those around me, it also left me feeling hollow. I hope you don’t have to go through that.

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