I had my first relapse two weeks ago, after being

I had my first relapse two weeks ago, after being sober for 4 years...but I know better than that, I was doing so well until that night and being laid off your job doesn't help, please keep me in your prayers, I need friends right now and RightNow I don't have many😥

Prayers for you

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

What courage you have to admit your relapse. Relapse is also part of my story. if you would like to talk, please DM me. I hated myself for my relapse. Now, I am grateful for it because it got me involved in the program like I never was. You have courage!! Remember that!

Feel free to reach out to me as well! I will definitely keep you in prayers tonight! Hang in there!

Stay close to the fellowship…and fellowship, not to mention step work!!

Thanks for getting vulnerable and talking about it. That's a huge deal for both you and the rest of the community.

I'm really sorry to hear that you slipped. I'll definitely add my name to the roster of people who would be happy to talk with you about it, and if not, I'm sending my energy your way in hopes that it could be some small comfort.

The great news is you're still with us above the dirt, and it's never too late as long as that's the case.

I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but I'd be privileged to consider myself your friend

Sorry to see your post. Remember as long as you get back up it isnt defeat. You have the strength to make it and have before. Now take the lessons of the past and forge a new path for tomorrow. I believe you can do it.