I had my first A.A zoom meeting. I'm learning alot

I had my first A.A zoom meeting. I'm learning alot of people follow "God" in their recovery. I'm not really religious but I do count my blessings. I finish the first half of my driving course and with 4 hours left I hope to be approved for my hardship license.


In recovery we are taught to have a higher power. Everyone's higher power is different- some believe it's nature, someone famous or ‘God'- there is not one correct perception. This is someone/something that can help us with our recovery.


I mean in all reality, most of our addictions are in our head. Not one person can change us we have to want it. I know you cant over come addicion alone but it definitely starts with in your self. With no disrespect if someone does believe in a higher power.

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Depends on which recovery method you choose. A lot of recovery programs out there, A.A. for example, do teach that you must have some sort of higher power, the one I follow does not. What works for some may not work for others. Luckily there are lots of different paths on the road to recovery so everyone can find the path that works best for them. :raised_hands:

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What's your program?

Welcome to 12 Step recovery! Many are concerned about seeing the word “God” in NA and AA literature. But 12 Step Programs are spiritual and NOT religious programs. Personally, I have had success in Narcotics Anonymous. I love my NA friends and sponsor. I have over 3 years 2 months clean and sober. Thanks.

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I feel like AA has you believe that you can put all of your troubles on something/someone else instead taking responsibility for oneself. Just believe that YOU can do it.


SMART Recovery


Congrats on trying something new. If the God thing doesn’t jive with you or you end up feeling like it’s taking away from your recovery, remember there are other options out there. A few examples: SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, The Noble Steps, etc. Good luck finding the path that works for you!


Hey everyone thanks for the comments. Any of rrecommendations with out the religous points of views have zoom meeting?

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Check out SMART recovery. Self Motivated Addiction Recovery Training. It is based on science and Cognitive therapy, and you can join online and do online meetings, join chat groups, and check out their lessons and classes. I joined and really like it. And it's all free, and they have nationwide in person meetings, but have suspended them until the pandemic is dealt with.