I had a "using" dream last night

I had a "using dream" last night.. woke up scared but relieved that it wasnt real, but JUST a dream.. my first one ever.. I'm still weirded out by it though


I'm so sorry :disappointed:. That sucks. I have dreams of blackout drinking every once in a while and have to convince myself to let go of that icky guilty feeling because it never happened :upside_down_face:.

Glad you are safe, sober and that it was just an upsetting dream. :pray:


Melissa and Melissa I'm glad those were only dreams. I've had some dreams that spooked me and to find out they're only dreams is a relief.

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Those dreams really kind of suck! Scary, creepy.

One thing I heard from a therapist was that there is an idea out there that says dreams are our brains way of flushing out thoughts that don't serve a purpose anymore. So maybe your brain is pushing that crap out?

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Using dreams are scary when they happen, but it's such a relief to wake up and realize you didn't slip, everything is fine! It's actually worth it to me, because the relief is so palpable, and it's a good reminder not to go back to that place.

Sometimes my using dreams involve hiding behind a cabinet in my parents house drinking, and I get covered in spiders. I try to flick them off but they're too sticky. The symbolism is kind of on the nose doncha think? :joy:

But it's very common,and like Erik said it's probably our subconscious processing a new way of thinking.


They are wild and can be really disturbing. I have them intermittently are are really happy to discover they are dreams. When I was drinking I was mostly blackout drunk so I didn’t remember dreaming for years. A real sad sacrifice when you think about it. I’m grateful for my dreams now. I take it as a sign of a healthier mind.:blush:

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