I had a dream I risked my sobriety. The people

I had a dream I risked my sobriety. In my dream the people around me were supportive. They didn't offer me any drinks or substances, and encouraged me to stay clean. But there was a lot of alcohol near me and one of them that I was close to was drinking. When they put their beer down I don't know why I did it, but I took a swig. Even in my dream I told myself not to, that it wasn't worth it. I never swallowed the beer, I spit it out. And when I did the group around me turned around and was upset with me for risking my sobriety. And in the end I walked away feeling kinda dumb. I'm gonna go to a meeting. But I feel weird because this is the first "drinking dream" I've had since I first started my sobriety a year ago. I guess they come and go but dreams mean a lot to me. I wonder what it was trying to tell me lol.


During the first few months after I quit drinking, I had dreams where friends/family offered me alcohol and I turned it down. Then those dreams went away for a while. Fast forward to a time I was struggling and having strong cravings - I had a dream that I took a sip and felt immediate guilt/shame. I was relieved to wake up and realize it was just a dream. I can't speak for your brain, but for me personally, I think my brain knew I needed that reminder at that specific time.

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I had a few of those, scary but happy to wake up!