I got fired today and really want to drink

I got fired today and really want to drink

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Eat an entire pie instead.


Sorry to hear that. I know that shitty feeling. i‘d probably do it if I were you.

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Honestly drinking will probably mare it worse. I know it would if it were me

it is okay to want to drink when we don’t like how we feel. Don’t do it. It’s good to talk about though.

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Then you go from unemployed to unemployable!!! Drinking is never a solution. There is nothing going on in your life that picking up a drink won’t make worse.


Stay strong.. you can do this. Stay sober and keep looking. Sending positive vibes your way.

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Not to sound cliche but I do believe things happen for a reason, either a better opportunity to come or more down time to focus on yourself. Drinking will not solve anything- it’ll just add a hangover


So sorry for your unfortunate circumstances. Stay sober and positive. Sending prayers your way

Lol I love this alternative

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That part :clap:t2:

I’m sorry you got fired. Such a sh!tty feeling. Let yourself go through the emotions that come with that loss, then make a plan to move forward and find something new. I promise, drinking won’t get you your job back.

Awe, it's a toughie but do able u don't even have to fall down to pick your self back up, radical thinking says you can just try to learn from it and dive into a job search being pro active might be the opposite if how you use to deal with it but it's kinda what were aiming for. Yea, I am currently in the process and it's defiantly not my fav, especially vin these covid days, but here I go off to that shower in case I get called to interview

Thanks for all the positive comments! I do have a couple interviews set up, hopefully I find what I'm supposed to


Give yourself 3days. If u stilldont do another day. By then youll b listening to your better angels.

Stay strong!

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