I got broken up with and kicked out of my

I got broken up with and kicked out of my boyfriends house for going to rehab after he’s the one who asked me to go. Still can’t get over what I did wrong.


I’m so sorry to hear this Amy. Rehab and recovery. Keep your head in that game. Your life depends on it.


likely nothing. it sounds like he is unwell and did you a favor. focus on your recovery and yourself.


I got booted too. Been sober almost 6 months. The other half is not. Acceptance is the answer to all of my problems today. Hang in there friend.


Hello Amy! Sounds like your ex doesn’t know what he wants. It’s like Rebecca said sounds like he did you a favor. Just focus on yourself not him. Don’t worry about him just worry about what you’re doing. And keep on the same path that you’re on now. By the way welcome to the family. We’re all here for the same thing and we’re all here to help one another.


You did absolutely nothing wrong don’t think you did because you didn’t

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I’m so sorry…

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Same thing happened to me. I went to rehab and the day i got home she had a moving truck and left. You would think they would stay to help and see our change not just dip after we agreed to have me go get help. Message if you wanna chat, I know the feeling


If the guy can't walk the journey with you, let his path go the other way. As the bible says in one passage, " how can two walk together, unless they are in agreement." If you are headed to wellness and he is not, he saved you a lot of trouble.

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Thanks so much. I’m new on here so I appreciate all the support.

Thank you very much. My boyfriend precious to this one did actually commit suicide and had a huge drinking problem he couldn’t admit which played a part. I can’t imagine what that feels like but I am also here if you need to talk. Thank you for the support.

Stay sober and one day you will look back at this as a blessing. Trust me. If they don't want to be a part of your life let em walk.

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Sounds like a partner that doesn’t want to stand by you.

Sobriety is an opportunity to really fall in love with yourself and figure out healthy relationships


Your higher power heard conversation that you don’t know about and has removed you from a bad situation. God has a plan for you. Keep with recovery. With each passing day God will reveal your plan. Patience and perseverance is key.
I too was kicked out with a restraining order then served divorce papers while in recovery. I’m 588 days today and I’m glad my God removed me from that path.
Have a blessed night filled with love and peace within.

Right now my husband has been in rehab for 2 months and it’s been supper hard lots of feeling bills responsiblys I have 3 kids you can’t worry about him u will drive your self mad over something u can’t control but you can take care of yourself 1st

Consider it a blessing. God has a was of removing people that aren’t serving our highest good so they can be replaced with someone who is better. I know easier said then done. You got this

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I want to rehab and the same thing happened to me. She even kept all my stuff and the 2 cats in paid $3000. 8 months and im still far from over it.

your boyfriend is where you went wrong.