I give up I’ve tried everything rehab suboxin methadone out

I give up I’ve tried everything rehab suboxin methadone out patient the only thing that helps the withdraws are a lot of zanex which I can’t get whole of I’m so screwed I’m losing my daughter and the love of my life I’m honestly on the edge of giving up on life barely able to go see my baby I’m so sick most the time please pray for me .I don’t shoot up all I do is snort fetanyl

Please remember that you are enough! You are strong enough to beat your addiction. Praying for you :pray:

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Thankyou imctrying the best i can I went to see my kid sicker then he’ll today and right when i got there my dealer called said come through I choose to stay and see my daughter instead of leaving like last time

She doesn’t deserve it

Make a selfie video of yourself telling it like it is Every time you crave, play the video. I took a pic of myself with a bad hangover. When I want to get a good buzz I look at the pain in that pic

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Sounds like a nightmare

Don’t give up! Your stronger then you think you are! Dig deep nick! :two_hearts:

There is a solution! All you have to do is make a decision to get some help. Go to meetings everyday, tell them you need phone numbers and start calling someone. You can do this! You don't have to do it alone but you do have to make the effort. Let today be better than yesterday my friend

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I defidently will start going to meetings more I have been twice a week

I don’t have a sponsor or anything tho

You're welcome. You'll get through this.

I hope so now I have to start all over again cause I relapsed again

I was five days clean and blew it was supposed to have a drug test today and skipped it I’m so screwed

Tomorrow's a new day. You get start all over.

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Very true the sickness depress me and brings me down to the point of giving up need something to lean on and take way the pain

It may be that you’ll need to attend multiple meetings, everyday... it helps a lot in the beginning when you’re at your worst

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I’d defidently need dropped off and pixied up I can’t drive when I’m sick

Do what you gotta do man. Walk if you have to

Yea I’d say so

That’s the problem too it’s not hard for me to get access at all or money.