I give up... I’m not strong enough

girl you can get through this. you are not alone! i just got out of detox & have been doing this for a while but this is the fight of your life & you can do it. you are worthy & if you just stop for a second & breathe you will be okay. please message me & we can talk. i hate that you feel that
way :frowning: i have been there but you can’t give up. you are so strong for even making this post. please don’t give up!

if you aren’t benefiting from AA there are so many other things that you can do. maybe you could go away to treatment for a while or do outpatient? therapy? i agree, don’t be another statistic & prove everyone wrong. it’s okay to have bad days - imagine the people that don’t get the opportunity to have a bad day because they aren’t here anymore due to this disease. either acknowledge it’s a bad day & embrace it or reach out (like you are :heart:) & try to get through it. it’s okay to struggle but you will get through it. each day you will get stronger.

It’s a hard commitment to make a change. Self love is significant in change. You can find many resources to help yourself achieve this. It’s an uphill battle that we climb everyday, some tumble, keep on getting up and reaching for that goal. You’ll get there if you don’t give in!!!

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I work for state ran mental health.. trust me.. it’s not very good services

I think pretty sure it’s because of the lack of “self love” and low self worth. Working on mind set is the toughest. I preach it daily to clients.

Btw... he just took off to a friends house and stated loudly “going to have some drinks” like it was trying to get a response from me... and I didn’t say anything but I’m sure angry right now. He does shit like that on purpose and I’m honestly sick of it. So insensitive.

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Lonely not alone

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You have the skills, use them. We are here to support you, but you have to do it

Hi Jennifer. Trying something new is hard...really hard.our minds and thoughts will fight us and try to trick us along the way.charge isn't easy.mistakes will happen that doesn't mean we fail.mistakes are how we learn and grow.failure is when we stop trying.failing is a choice by giving up. new feelings emerge but they are difficult to understand since we can only view them from our old mindset and thought process.be kind to yourself.if you were a failure then you wouldn't be thinking what would be better for others.forgive yourself for your past then you can open yourself up to be the person you want to be.you can't compare yourself to anyone..not even the past you since you are becoming a better version of yourself for you and your family.i honestly don't think you truly believed your children would be better off without you.i honestly believe you can do this and you and your children will grow stronger together.

Be strong for today!

Hey Jennifer, how are you?

Goodluck on your journey. I couldn't have done this alone without the rooms, and people who are like minded. Never been so accepted and loved for me. I honestly hope a coach helps. I know the feeling of disparity.

This disease does not discriminate, it affects those who have it regardless of status or job title. A friend of mine in AA was sharing in a meeting today a story very similar to yours, and how she thought she was one of the unfortunates who just couldn't get it. Something finally caught hold, and she just celebrated 2 years and has a solid life. There is always a way off of this elevator if you seek it. Don't give up just yet.

No don't give up u got this ur stronger then u think

It’s time to give it up god and let him take the wheel? Don’t you think? That’s what I did and I haven’t looked back yet.

It helps to build support network. Some simple things to do eat, sleep and exercise. Find support group or mentors or counselor. Motivational videos, music and laughter. Watch Jim valvano’s last speech at espy awards. Strong Mind, Strong Bodyy ,Strong Spirit “ Unstoppable “

Hi Jennifer, hope all is well . AA is not for everyone , I totally understand what your going thru because I was that guy drinking 12 to 18 beers a day . And that caused me my home , my family and it almost took my life. Time can be rough and we feel alone ..We're just here trying to help you sometimes it may be overwhelming.. Take it one day at a time.., learn to care for yourself, LOVE yourself and respect yourself.. were here to support one another...One Big Happy Family...

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Do u go to meetings?

Hello Jennifer, I sent a reply on one of your other post. And I am pretty sure the profession you’re in you always tell people do it for yourself. What do this for yourself. If you can’t do it for yourself do it for your kids at first. You will learn to be doing it for yourself instead of your kids once you get into it.
And I’m gonna say this again we need to change people places and things in order to stay sober. Just remember that.
Here’s a little prayer for you to say.

God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference. Amen

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