I give up. I can't handle it no more

I give up. I can't handle it no more

Don’t give up. Sobriety is awesome and even though recovery is hard…. The hardest thing you will ever do. It is totally worth it. You will come out on top. There are so many resources at your fingertips for help and support. Self love and self care is very important. Pursue support from those of us in recovery, love yourself, be patient and kind to yourself, get a therapist, get in meet up groups, seek others who share your experience. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. I’ve only been in recovery for 3 months and I can promise you it’s so much better than the alternative

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I'm n a woman recovery group and I do na virtually. It's like the world's is against me


Thank u I got to much going on to stay sober

I'll text u n a lil bit not good at dr