I get up in the morning, ready myself to go

I get up in the morning, ready myself to go to work and when I get to work, co- workers give me a attitude, and it makes me angry...

Hey Carlos, events have no meaning other than the meaning you give them. Your anger is the result of your own opinions and interpretations.

What's the story you're telling yourself about their actions that makes you angry? What's a new story you could tell yourself that would help you remain peaceful?

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Wow, thank you, didn't think about it in that matter, i took it personally, i assumed they don't like me, more descriptive, I felt as if they despected me, because they assumed I was a nobody, a ass.

But it's the way I must think of myself, because of the emotions I feel about myself at that present time.

And I'm not. Im just looking for a reason to be upset, trying to give myself a reason to do something stupid.

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To be completely honest with myself. I'm scared. I'm scared, because I'm getting my first check this week. I lost my dad too covid, And i haven't dealt with it as I believe I should have. I haven't let myself feel. And I'm worried. My thoughts are all over the place . Anyway, i been out of work for a month, and started two weeks ago and started a New job. And my worried because I make good money as a tractor trailer driver for a construction company and I don't want to do anything stupid.

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Thank you I feel much better.

Thanks and God bless.

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You're welcome. I'm glad it was helpful for you. Also, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I prayed for peace and understanding for you and your family during this difficult time. One of my favorite quotes about death is "Death is absolutely safe. It's like taking off a tight shoe." I hope that quote provides some solace for you. Keep making progress and remember that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Blessings. :pray: