I get so excited about sobriety

I get so excited about sobriety. One of the reasons I go on an on with newcomers to sobriety is because I was once a newcomer too. I relapsed so many times and I had such a hard time with recovery that I got to a point where I was totally convinced that I was going to be one of those unfortunates mentioned in How It Works who was going to die from alcoholism.

When I first got sober, I didn't even have as much as a checking account. My total wealth was what I had in my pocket and that was it. I had no place to live that I could truly call my own. I had a car that was on the blink. I owed tons of Child Support and back taxes. I was a falling-down drunk and I drank every day of the week. Blackouts and jail cells were the norm.

I felt inclined to write this post because I was sitting here studying real estate investment, thinking about buying my next property, thinking about how my life used to be. My beautiful wife is lying next to me in my very own house. I have a car in the garage that has less than 40,000 miles and it is paid in full. I've been at the same job for over 5 years and I get 4 weeks paid vacation. I'm 62 years old and although my retirement is not set in stone just yet I am working on it. I also have not yet closed the door on finishing my Private Pilot Flight Training.

There's one very important thing I forgot to mention that I have, that I didn't used to have then. (2002)

Freedom to make choices.

When I was out there drinking, I had no freedom. I was trapped in a prison. A prisoner in a bottle. I'm very thankful for my higher power which I call God, The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and people like you.

If you are struggling with getting sober and staying sober, please get to some AA meetings and start doing what is suggested and you too can have total freedom. That's a promise.

Sobriety is definitely the easier softer way!


We call it living life on life terms, thank you so much Dave for your share.