I fucked up

Thank you. I can't wait to stop feeling this way. Heartbreak is the worst. It's like I'm fighting 2 addictions at once

I've been that way too. I talked to my Dr. and got meds to help me manage my anxiety, it helps a bit with the panic attacks at night. For a non med solution I recommend a weighted blanket. Seems odd but has really helped me get through a few nights.

I have medication. But I'm reluctant to take them like I'm supposed to like I'm going to get addicted and just wanting to be strong enough to get threw it on my own. It's a constant battle in my brain over this

I realize this is codependency. I'm addicted to her and the relationship. Shit I'm having a ruff time with this. I cant get the elephant off my chest or the wrench on my heart to loosen

I felt the same way. It's a tough line to walk. I haven't looked at every option but I'm sure some are not habit forming

Hi, Nelson. Your feelings are normal. I'm sorry you're going through all this. Keep crying if you need to. Withdrawals suck. If you decide you need to detox again tap the lifesaver on the menu. There are tons of treatment centers and tele-help providers ready to help you.

Remember your daughter needs her dad sober.

Stay strong. Let me know if you need to talk.

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Love is def a drug :pensive:

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Weighted blankets are the best

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Thank you so much

Dont pick up bro…. Your fueling the very thing your trying to get rid of. It takes sober time to get over someone. Alcohol is only making it worse. You know that, you may just need to hear it from another alcoholic like me….. Dont pick up…. Just focus on that and your whole life will Improve.

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Thank you