I found articles online stating drinking may effect the vaccines

I found articles online stating drinking may effect the vaccines effects in response to Covid... weakens immunity response. I scheduled 1st vaccine giving 2 weeks with no drinking. Advise from 1st vaccine site given, no excessive drinking between vaccines. Complied, hard. Continued abstinance 28 days b/tween vaccines. Second shot celebrated with a pint.. Ben and Jerry Phish Food. Two week last shot coming up Wednesday, all should be good. Next goal, an additional 42 days for vaccines complete effect. Still sober. Who would have thought in these times that one potentially fatal disease could help mitigate another potentially fatal disease, alcholism: 56 days sober.

Oh wow! I didn't know this. Thanks for making the community aware. Can you share the article links you've found?

Congrats on 8 weeks sober.

Cbeck CDC statementnts and WSJ articles. End of day just makes sense

First I’ve heard this -
Another good reason for sobriety.