I found a passion fitness after I quit dri k

I found a passion for fitness and wellness after I quit drinking. What are some of your passions and dreams? Comment below. You can still get there from here! :grin:


Weighting has been mine for awhile..But since winter set in, it got to cold in my garage. Now I'm focusing on rebuilding my life. New career on the horizon. Settling back taxes.

But spring is almost here. Soon, I'll get back too it.

Heck yeah, get it! :muscle:t2:

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It can get cold, lol. I have a studio in my carport. When it gets too cold I go to the gym around the corner, lol. Good job! :muscle:t2::grin:

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Oooh! I love goals and dreams!! I'm working on my Master's degree.. Almost done. I'm looking at doctorate programs now!! Tryina be Dr. Agnieszka Gancarz


Working out worked for me.

Yes sir! :muscle:t2::grin:

I jokingly tell people I am allergic to the gym. I break out in sweats, heart palpitations, and labored breathing. But seriously I do need to get back to working out. Keep it up.

Haha, right! :rofl:

Love this! I have a very uhm ... non-aggressive workout routine lol mostly yoga and walking (although the yoga def makes my muscles sore so itโ€™s gotta be doing something) but Iโ€™ve struggled to find a โ€œhardcoreโ€ workout that I like enough to keep doing...

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Yoga is intense, it is very challenging ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™‚. I am an advocate for stabilization and flexibility integrations into any workout. I use a lot of tubing, bands, stability balls in most routines. Keep listening to your body. :grin::+1:

I've been meaning to get back into working out. I used to be an athlete but have had injuries, and gotten older lol any tips for getting started, and staying motivated?

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Absolutely, DM me.

Oh what are you getting your masters in?

Fitness goals: get back to where I can do kettle bells. I loved that. Personal goal: find a new active happy. Professional goal: get back to doing something I love

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I did too! I love going to lifetime fitness! After my workout my reward is soaking in the hot tub! WAY better than drinking myself to oblivion!!! I love to cook and paint too.