I finally told my kids

So this weekend I finally told my kids that their dad is an alcoholic. It was hard at first, I really thought they would think less of me, but I tend to overthink alot. I'm glad that they now know and I don't want my struggle to be a family secret. I want to keep them from making the same mistakes I have. Time will tell... but I'm glad I no longer have to hide.

Have a great week everyone!


That’s HUGE Bryan :clap::clap::clap::clap:!!!!....... honesty and accountability are essential to maintain long term sobriety . There is amazing freedom and relief in sharing our struggles with alcohol . We all tend to fear the “backlash “ of being labeled an “alcoholic “ , but most people are extremely supportive or don’t even really care haha . Way to be courageous !!

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That's courageous, Bryan! I'm glad to hear you are free.

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