I feel worthless- I’m only 24 and it’s never gonna get better

I gave in and drank again.
I couldn’t make it a week

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@laura86094, I am proud of for admitting you didn't make it a week and reaching out to Loosid.

Your life isn't over. You had a rough patch. Dust off your feet and try again. Relapse is a normal part of sobriety. It's not the end. Relapse proves you are trying.

Do not give up on you.


Keep coming back Laura, it's a insidious dis-ease but you keep coming back like you are and wait for the Miracle because you are!


You ain't worthless.

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Girl after 13 years I relapsed on meth. Starting over again as of this past Sunday. We can do this.

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I am 3 days sober. This is my 3rd time going back into the AA program. I know it works, I’ve gotten sober before. I have a lot of turmoil going on in my life and it would be so easy to take that first drink. One day at a time!


Everyone falls off every now and then. The fact that you’re here is already a huge step! You’re trying and you already know that you’re trying to get better and that’s BIG! You can do it! You have a lot of support here when you need it

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Let's start with this, never in all of humanity has anyone been created who was without worth. Relapsing is a part of early recovery. You have to find the path that works for you. You need a support group that you jive with, and need to diagnose what your triggers are.

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@laura86094, as you can see, many believe in you. We care for you and know you got this.

Haven't seen you here lately, how you doing?

It's not about failing, it's about getting up and trying again. No one is perfect. But we all get up and get back at getting sober. This last time was 4 time in AA. I listened and learned. Getting sober isnt easy

Hope you’re ok!!