I feel so lost… like idk what to do with

I feel so lost… like idk what to do with my self or even know myself

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Go get yourself an ice cream cone and listen to your favorite album from your favorite band. Kick that anxiety to the curb. You don’t have to know any of that shit right now, and that’s what’s great. Just be present and enjoy the little things.


call your sponsor. if you don't have one try talk to people who understand what it's like

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Call your sponsor or if you can go to a meeting

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Reach out friend.

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The longer I’m sober the less I feel that way

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Welcome to the world of what the hell do i do now, it seems so easy when your with others, but alone can be tough, we are here for you

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Fill your time with meetings and exercise

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Do things to quit thinking so much. Anything you enjoy

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I get that so very much. Maybe it’s just part of the ride for us? Just saying it out loud takes courage. There was a time in my life (very, very young) where I liked life just because it was new and cool. Being outside. Eating a sweet. Petting an animal. Is there a time like that for you?

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Kaitlin, in early sobriety I was a lost wreck. I couldn’t tell you which way I wanted to go. My path had so many avenues to take. I was confused, ashamed, scared, depressed, anxiety, and angry. Feeling lost is normal for the first part of recovery. Keep going. One day at a time. It gets better.
Focus on getting lots of water, healthy food, exercise and good sleep. Then as you gain clarity you can add in more activities, like volunteering or sharing your story at a meeting. Starting that hobby you always wanted. Clarity gives you endless opportunities.
Meditation can help with letting go of the past and future as these things lead to anxiety and depression. Live in the moment. Feel that feeling of “lostness”. Learn about yourself. You’ll be surprised to know things about you that was hidden with addiction. Reading is a good way to learn about the feelings and emotions we go through in recovery. Enjoy each passing moment this weekend.
Happy 4th of July! Stay sober my friend

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