I feel like my world is crashing. I’m in so

I feel like my world is crashing. I’m in so much pain and even though I don’t want to drink, I still find myself drunk by the end of the day. Drinking doesn’t even numb the pain anymore but my mind is so used to running to the bottle for any and everything that I have to do it. It’s like it’s programmed. I feel like no one around me understands what I’m feeling and that’s why I keep it all to myself. Telling anyone “normal” my issues, makes me feel even more like a freak because they just don’t understand what a person with addiction is really going through. If anyone feels the way I feel please reach out because it’ll be easier for us to talk than us talking to someone who has no clue about what we feel.

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I completely understand. I go through it everyday with my family. Until I went into rehab, I thought I was completely alone but found that I’m not. Having a sober community to talk to and relate too is crucial for me in my recovery! Feel free to DM anytime you want to chat!

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I would definitely like to talk! Thank you for this comment :heart:

I was in the same boat. I am finishing my 28th day in treatment tomorrow and going home. Treatment saved my life. Being around all those people who actually understand makes the world of difference. That would be my suggestion but I'm also available to vent to as well if you need.