I drink not because I want to be wasted, I

I drink not because I want to be wasted, I drink to slow my mind down keep my thoughts from racing and feel normal. I know it’s not normal to do.

We are all self medicating in one form or another. When active in our addiction

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As long as I have a project or something that interest me in working on. It never crosses my mind to drink.

Exercise is magic for controlling the mind and staying healthy .

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Exercise is where it’s at when you are in recovery
It’s a blessing but takes discipline

Yes so true. It’s very hard to find something to fill the void.

I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I did the same to some degree just to avoid dealing with life or anxiety and press a pause button on life. For me starting to see a therapist to talk through the underlying issues is what I needed. Maybe that might be worth looking into as well.

I hope you find what works for you.

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Thank you so much :ok_hand:

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