I drink more than anyone I’ve ever met and I

I drink more than anyone I’ve ever met and I do so on a daily basis. I’m scared. At this rate, I’m going to die and much sooner than I should. I need help.

Im in the same boat as you

You should be scared, if you continue the way you say you drink it will kill you. It is not a matter of if, but when! I drank more than anybody I knew too, also on a daily basis for years and it damn near did kill me. In a way it did kill parts of me and it also has permanently ruined my health and quality of life. I am 37 years old and would be happy and lucky to make it to past 50 years old. I mistreated myself for so long, but If I can turn my situation around so can you and anyone esle who is truly ready to stop drinking. Go to AA meetings, get a sponsor and work the steps! Despite what anybody else says, it works and it has been proven time and after time that it works. I am just about 30 days short of 3 years sober, thanks to AA, and all the damn hard work I put into my program. You can do this!!


Folks in the recovery community understand and know the solution. You never have to feel that way again.

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Thank you. I’ve read so many messages from so many kind people who reached out on here but I have to say yours touched home the most.

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Thank you :heart:

I’m so sorry to hear that Danielle. The saddest part is I’m always the one helping others even with addiction so I feel like a hypocrite because no one even knows just how severe my addiction is.

I was a heavy drinker to. One New Year’s Eve by myself I drink a case of beer and a fifth of whiskey. And I still wanted more. I was still functional after drinking all that I can still walk. Can I change my life around as well I am grateful today that I don’t drink anymore. And to be honest I am grateful that I am an alcoholic. Because now I get to help people the way that I was helped when I came to AA. AA does work and yes it’s hard sometimes. But that’s the whole point of it that’s the part that really helped you. 90 meetings in 90 days is the way to go to begin with. And welcome to The family


Would going to treatment be an option for you? I did a 28 day one and that made the world of a difference. When I got out I felt stronger mentally and physically than I have in years

That’s amazing and encouraging! Thank you for sharing that with me!!

You’re quite welcome. Glad that I could help you a little bit

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