I dont know if i care anymore. I want t

I dont know if i care anymore. I want to just say fuck it and drink again. Sorry if thats triggering. I hate the world. I want to be okay again. Im doing everything i can to do the right thing and nothing is working. I might have to go into inpatient for depression. I dont know anymore. Life feels so pointless. Im sorry everyone.

it will pass, stay strong

It does pass

We have all been there. It will get better. Some days we are the bird. Some days the worm.

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Keep talking and keep sharing we’ve all been there and we all found a way out!

Hey Liz how are you doing today?

Half your brain is selling that bullshit the other is buying it don’t buy into its

Hey Liz. We all come to that point sometimes. I often get a case of the “fvck its” ... and just wanna give up. I think the major difference between that (eventually) passing mindset and maybe a form of more serious depression, is how long it lasts and how pervasive it is. Don’t be sorry! I’m happy you reached out. That’s the best thing you can do. If you feel this way most of the time, I would say it can’t hurt to talk to a therapist abt it or to going into inpatient like you said. Whatever you decide, just remember you’re not alone.

Don’t do it! I almost had 200 days and relapsed and I’ve never been more miserable! I’m going sober again for good!