I don't consider myself an alcoholic but I do feel

I don't consider myself an alcoholic but I do feel like I'm at risk. My father is a sever alcoholic and lately, I've been getting cravings and feel like I always need to have some sort of alcohol in the house. I'm scared and not sure how to handle something that can turn into a problem.

It always has the potential to turn into a problem. If you can walk that line and not cross it, then you’re ok. From what I understand, there is a genetic component to alcoholism. I’m a binge drinker. I used to only drink once or twice a week. But when I did drink, it would be at least 24 beers. and then other things. That lead to things to be ashamed of. It really comes down to whether you can do it without losing control. I could not.

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It doesn’t matter what you call it, if alcohol is causing you ANY problems in your life and you still crave it, I think you should take that as a huge warning sign. I remember thinking the same thoughts you are as far as concern more than 20 years ago. In the intervening 20 years alcohol has caused me so much heartache and troubles!!! I wish I had cast it from my life before all the pain and loss. Clearly, I suggest you become a non drinker. Lots of people are. :wink:


You may want to consider going to an AA meeting. I would definitely recommend sobriety. It seems like you are at the point where you either make a change or the change will make you.


That’s a good way to look at it. There are all sorts of models for causation, genetic predisposition and developmental factors. That does not mean you’re like anyone else in your family though.

:rofl::rofl: I read that last part as “clearly I suggest you become a nun”

Hilarious :joy:

:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I'll pass on being a nun

Easier said than done for sure. But definitely the route I'm aiming for.

I’m day one on this...I never thought I had an issue either I only would drink once or twice a week but when I did I would drink the whole bottle of whiskey or vodka and then wind up in the morning hating all the choices I made the night prior. It’s not about the consumption. It’s if you’ve consumed at all

So true It’s really reassuring to read that so many others have had similar experiences, regrets, guilt, shame, etc., etc.

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