I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or right it’s

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or right it’s very tough for me right now at the moment I’m one month sober in and it just seems to be getting tough for me. I’m beyond proud of myself and what I done for myself in this one month. I need more guidance and help on this recovery

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Are you open to attending AA zoom meetings?
Do you have the AA big book? If so my recommendation, what was suggested to me, was to grab a highlighter or pen, read chapter 3, “More About Alcoholism”. Highlight / underline anything you can relate to.

begin writing!
this is key. It’s my number one tool in my toolbox. I’ve came into the program at age 19. I got lasting sobriety at age 22. I’ve been sober 30 years.

Your not doing anything wrong. A support group might help. SMART recovery, Refuge recovery, AA. I like checking out the SMART recovery videos on YouTube. They have a whole bunch of 5 minute ones on different ways to deal with triggers. One thing I've learned is we get triggered and don't engage or act on it it goes away in 15 minutes or less.

Whatever you’ve done thats kept you sober, you’ve been doing right. Whatever’s made you feel closer to a drink or a drug, isn’t necessarily wrong but maybe could use a little rewiring. One month is great and you should be proud of yourself. but it’s still early, so there will be ups and downs. In time, things will level out. Hang in there.