I don’t drink, never was a drinking type. I dont

I don’t drink, never was a drinking type. I dont have an addictive personality but I was given zanax for anxiety the first time I had a panic attack due to grieving the loss of my best friend, it’s been 10 years and I’m still grieving some days crying others just quiet but in my own head it’s so loud ... I don’t have anxiety but when the withdrawal comes I’m sweating, nauseated, hyper sensitive to noise or touch, I get repetitive thoughts about weird lucid things that play over and over, I feel like I can’t breathe even though I check my oxygen and it’s at 99 or so, I can’t eat, I can’t talk without biting my tongue, I tremble so bad my teeth chatter like I’m freezing and I’ve bitten my tongue till it bleeds.. my has sweat even if I’m not hot, I get diarrhea, brain fog, migraines, body twitches especially near my temples and inside my ear drums and the worst part ..nightmares I can’t stop the pillls or I get really bad withdrawal... then that causes depression because I feel like I’m a failure and then it just keeps a vicious cycle going. I don’t get anxiety anymore my body developed a dependency on zanax and I don’t know how to stop and unchain my self safely... I just want my life back.

You need to talk to the doctor about stepping down from your meds. Just quitting can be dangerous. He may even recommend a stint in rehab.

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This is what he said... I’ve tried weaning but I know it can’t be done at home, just removing the smallest amount and I’m having serious or what feels like severe withdrawal so yes he did say if i tried weaning or he stopped giving me the meds he would be a bad doctor due to the danger and I’d need a hospital type of detox

I’ve never met anyone who has successfully gotten off of Xanax. Yes the withdrawal symptoms are heavy even when I’ve tried weaning it would take me a year or longer just to come down a half a milligram because I get severe withdrawal from reducing the tiniest amount...

I know that why I came here to see if anyone else has done it

There is a treatment locator in the app. Tap the sobriety help button. The list populates by closest to your location. If you aren't sure what kind to try, look into the telehelp section. The list there is places you can call.

Thank you so much

Xanax detox is tough. I was prescribed at age 16 and couldn’t stop for over a decade. I wish I had gotten medical treatment, and am glad you have access to possibly get some. You’re going to get through this, I promise! I’m now 4 years sober, no Xanax and feel so much better.

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I'm not a medical professional but I know from personal experience that you cannot stop taking xanax cold turkey it isn't safe. The twitching is your nervous system and can become seizures. Xanax must be slowly tapered un

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Hi Misty. How are you? Have you followed up with your doctor or contacted a treatment center?

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A rehab is the best way

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I’m still on my February botttle... the only reason I know I have made a small amount of progress is because before I’d have to get my wife to get Xanax because I didn’t want to run out which I would so about two weeks before refill I was out but I have 4 bottles in my drawer that have pills actually left over which was a big thing for me to celebrate because it meant I was taking less... so my wife has not gotten them for back up in months and I know this is a long and will be a hard process but I will take my time and not move too fast I’m stretching the times out longer and longer and tapering the tiniest bit, my refill is in a few days and it looks like again I’m on the end of having pills left which again is amazing. So next bottle I will taper down just a tiny bit more the entire month and continue that till I can say I’m on the smallest dose they give. I would rather deal with the anxiety which I don’t even believe I have much anymore than having to rely on these pills another 10 years for a better quality of life... I have to feel my pain and grieve like normal people and I want to get back to hiking and traveling without the worry of OMG DO I HAVE ENOUGH MEDS...I am taking my quality of life back even if it’s bit by bit. Please I know you are stranger but don’t leave me alone ... hearing from you and hearing positive things makes me feel stronger and yes keeps me from feeling alone in this struggle and I kind of need you all... no one understands this medication or why I can’t just stop but you do and I need that support. Thank you everyone so much , you’ve given me so much hope and I’ll keep everyone updated as I take this journey​:pray:t3::pleading_face:

How did you do it? It’ll be 10 years I’ve been on it March 20th. The day my best friend passed.

It sounds like you have a good plan in place AND it would probably be in your best interest to work with your doctor in tapering off ... just to be safe.

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Based on what I read about your story, I didn’t take it as often as you but I quit cold turkey. Had mostly mental withdrawals rather than physical.